Saturday, September 27, 2014


Recently, I had the opportunity to receive three issues of three magazines (after ordering a product I saw on TV). Because it was among my choices, and because I thought it might provide inspiration for my writing, I opted for GUNS & AMMO as one of my picks. While I haven't been able to bring myself to read a single page yet, I have finally received an offer the NRA hopes I can't refuse!

To sway me to join, the NRA has sent me an exciting sweepstakes opportunity. If I enter (no membership is required), I could win one of six different hunting trips, or a Dodge Ram truck/Coleman camper/Yamaha ATV, or a gun collection (25 guns, or 12 guns, or 8, or 6, or 5, or 4 guns). All I need to do is put my bullet stickers on the prizes I'd most like to win.

The NRA has even decreased its membership rates - just for me! I can receive a free gift, based on the number of years I wish to join for. Or, in the hopes that I am a true "Second Amendment warrior," I can opt to "put more of my dues toward the fight for freedom."

Ok, this gimmick is silly, but I understand the effort. However, reading the letter that came with my sweepstakes entry papers was pretty chilling, with lines like these:

"Unless you and I stand together it's only a matter of time until we lose our freedom, our heritage, and our American way of life."

"NRA needs you as a fighting, card-carrying member more than ever before. That's because the Second Amendment is the one freedom that gives you and me the power to protect every other freedom in our Bill of Rights."

"Remember, we're fighting powerful gun-hating politicians in Washington, DC and in the state legislatures...anti-gun judges...U.N. global gun-ban diplomats...freedom-hating billionaires...and a corrupt media elite."

And more recently I heard that the NRA is trying desperately to increase the number of registered voters among its membership. Who knew? Second Amendment warriors don't cotton much to voting. I suppose it makes sense. It's far easier to hate the government you refuse to participate in. Now, if we could just educate non-voters about their Constitution (the real one, as opposed to the one we keep hearing Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann refer to), this particular demographic may opt to keep their NRA memberships but get good and mad about how the corporatist agenda is hurting them in their everyday lives.


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