Thursday, August 7, 2014

Crazy's Latest Nutty Theory

(Photo courtesy of WikiMedia.)

REPORTED 07/30/2014



“A foster child by definition IS a ward of the state. We have 400,000 foster children in this country, and now President Obama is trying to bring all those foreign nationals, the illegal aliens into the country and he has said that he will put them in the foster care system, well... I will tell you from personal experience, we don’t have enough foster parents now in the country for the kids in America, we ... certainly don’t have enough foster parents for all of the illegal aliens that the President is trying to bring in right now, but again, that’s more kids that you can see how (unintelligible), we can’t imagine doing this ...”

male voice (host):  



“ … but if you have a hospital and they are gonna get millions of dollars in government grants that they can conduct medical research on somebody, and a ward of the state can’t say 'noooo,' a little kid can’t say 'no' if they’re a ward of the state, so here you could have this institution getting millions of dollars from our government to do medical experimentation, and a kid can’t even say no; it’s sick.”

Male voice (host):  

“Follow the money.”


It looks like Michelle Bachman didn’t pull this theory straight out of her butt, BUT the situation on which she bases her theory is only sort of comparable. SORT OF, being the operable words. Bachman has proposed “Justina’s Law
in response to a situation having the following elements:
  • Justina was ill and went to her longtime gastroenterologist and was diagnosed with mitochondrial disease (the diagnosis occurred at Tufts Medical Center);
  • Justina’s doctor moved to Boston Children’s Hospital, and when she got sick, that’s where she was hospitalized;
  • While at Boston Children’s Hospital, a new team of doctors diagnosed her with a somatoform disease (a mental disorder that causes sufferers to present symptoms suggestive of physical disorders);
  • Justina’s parents hated the new diagnosis and tried to take her home;
  • The hospital refused and filed an allegation of medical child abuse against the parents;
  • DCF got involved and took custody of Justina. DCF placed Justina in psychiatric care and excluded the parents from making decisions.

It appears that, aside from Glen Beck, actual attention paid to the heavily covered story has been limited. 

Now, here is where it gets interesting …

It appears that Bachman and her ilk now believe that Boston Children’s Hospital has received a government grant for the purpose of studying somatoform disease on Justina, who is now a ward of the state since DCF has limited her parents’ role in decision making relating to her care.

BCH’s written policy can be found here:

How Bachman and her cohorts can misconstrue this clear policy meant to protect wards of the state and then publicly decry it as a perversion carried out by the nation’s President is beyond me.

How Bachman and her cohorts could USE Justina's situation to extrapolate this muddled theory into a full-blown conspiracy is absurd.

How Bachman and her cohorts could create and promote such a fabrication ought to prove that they do not seek to improve our lot, but to further subvert our nation's ability to move forward, just as they've done at every turn since President Obama was elected to his first term.

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