Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Why People Wearing Guns In Public Do Not Make Me Feel Safe (Part 2, *For Dummies)

image credit Tracy Loeffelholz Dunn 

On May 23, 2014, 22 year old Elliot Rodger opened fire on a group of sorority girls, near the University of California, in Santa Barbara. The media says that Rodger was sexually frustrated and there is plenty of evidence that he was mentally ill, as well. The bottom line, however, is no matter how sexually frustrated and mentally ill he was, he could not have done what he did, had he not been easily able to purchase the gun.

The fact that we, as a country, cannot engage in a reasonable discussion about guns is a tragedy. The fact that so many of my friends will have the same old knee-jerk reaction to the most recent mass shooting, immediately turning the conversation to "Obama is coming for my guns," is also a tragedy.

No one wants your fucking guns. What I want is for us all to back the hell up, and simply sit down to discuss how we can work together to address this problem. It IS a problem, and it's high time for Second Amendment fanatics to get a grip. It might also be a good time for them to read the ENTIRE Constitution, to better understand that the militia they claim to be a part of is actually provided for under the Constitution. It's called the National Guard. If you want to be militia, JOIN THE NATIONAL GUARD.

NO ONE IS COMING FOR YOUR GUNS. (I addressed this subject in part 1 of this series, you can read that here.)

Now can we please have a meaningful discussion about what it will take to prevent THIS story from happening again? (Of course, by the time we can agree to do so, there will be countless more examples just like this.) When will it be too much, too many?

When will we understand that the Open Carry nitwits are more likely to be poseurs and malcontents, who probably shouldn't be carrying loaded weapons into a restaurant where our kids are dining? When will we conclude that FEWER safeguards is a hazard? When will we realize that responsible gun owners seem to be in the minority when we look at gun owners as a whole?

I am not saying people shouldn't own guns. I am saying that if you want to own guns, you should own the reality of what guns do. This isn't about stupid arguments like "Criminals have guns, why shouldn't I"? It's not about whether or not criminals have more firepower than police. This isn't about their rights, my rights, or someone else's right to own a gun.

This is about our daughters, our sons, our spouses, our parents, our loved ones being exposed to people that have a gun and bear ill will toward others. WHAT WILL WE DO ABOUT THAT?

It is now time for those who staunchly, seriously believe in their Second Amendment rights to take some responsibility for the world in which we live. Come to the grown-up table and join in a real, productive discussion about just what it means to be living in the U.S., right here, right now.

I am sick to death of the right-wing’s predictable response to gun massacres. The left, moms, parents, we all rage against guns every time someone takes one into a public place and uses it to mow down other people. Every time we even HINT at the words “gun control,” or "gun safety," the right loses its collective mind, decrying Obama for his intention to take their guns. I don’t know why gun control is the equivalent of the dismantling of gun rights in the view of some Americans. I believe there is room for both controlling who can possess a gun, and the right to own a gun.

If the NRA and its automatons refuse to address the increasingly desperate situation of gun control, at some point pacifists, liberals, citizens of the U.S. WILL come to our senses. At some point, we WILL come for your guns.


I'm sure many who read this will disagree. Guess what? Unless you have something to add to the solution, you can tell your story walking. Peace.


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